- Q.How do I pay for my shipment?
- A. Swire Shipping currently accepts payments via ACH, wire transfer, PayCargo, or check. .
- Q.What North American ports and terminals does Swire Shipping call on the Westwood Service?
- Everett, WA – Pacific Coast Terminal
- Seattle, WA – Terminal 30
- Seattle, WA – Terminal 18
- Vancouver, BC – Centerm (for containerized cargo)
- Vancouver, BC – Lynnterm (for forest products and breakbulk)
- Vancouver, BC – Fraser Surrey Dock
Canada CBSA Sublocations and Office Codes - Q.How do I check the status of my shipment?
- A. You can track your order here , or visit the Contact Us page for specific phone numbers. We will be glad to assist you.
- Q.What is Swire Shipping’s SCAC Code?
- A.SSBF for Swire Shipping’s U.S. shipments.
- Q.What is Swire Shipping’s Cargo Control number?
- A.9311 for Swire Shipping’s Canadian shipments.
- Q.Do all Swire Shipping's vessels have International Safety Management (ISM) and International Ship Security Certificates (ISSC)?
- A. Yes, all vessels have ISM and ISSC certificates. Copies will be provided on request.
- Q.Do Swire Shipping vessels have ISO14000 Environmental certification?
- A. Yes, all Swire Shipping vessels are ISO14000 certified.
- Q.For hazardous shipments, where should placards be placed on outsides of container?
Side mounted hazardous placards must be located in the areas outlined below:
- At least 1ft. / 0.3 meters from the top of the container (1 foot to the top of each placard, not bottom of placard)
- At least 5ft. / 1.5 meters from the bottom of the container (5 feet to the bottom of each placard, not top of placard)
- At least 5ft. / 1.5 meters from the end of the container to ensure visibility
Placard and Markings placement diagram:
Adhering to these requirements will ensure visibility of placards when units are placed in the bottom well of a rail car.
Failure to comply with these North American Rail placarding requirements may result in delays to the container shipment.
Customer will be responsible for any and all additional costs incurred by Swire Shipping to remedy the non-compliance.